In this article, I will teach you two methods to duplicate a page in WordPress. Hence, in the first section of the article, you will learn how to carry out this task using a plugin. Meanwhile, the second section teaches how to duplicate a page without a plugin.
Duplicate A Page In WordPress Using A Plugin
A major way to duplicate a page on your WordPress website is by using a plugin. Although there are various plugins to perform this task, I recommend the Duplicate Page plugin.
Hence, in the following sub-sections, you will learn how to install this plugin in WordPress. Then, I will teach you how to use the plugin to duplicate a page.
How To Install Duplicate Post Plugin In WordPress
How To Duplicate Page In WordPress With The Duplicate Page Plugin
Duplicate A Page In WordPress Without A Plugin
Do you know you can also duplicate a page on your WordPress website without the help of a plugin? The following procedures demonstrate how to accomplish that.
My Final Thoughts About Duplicating A Page In WordPress
Duplicating a page has various benefits. For instance, it allows you to work on the page without affecting the original version. Gladly, this guide demonstrated two ways to clone a page on your WordPress website. To be more specific, we learned how to perform this task using a plugin. This guide also taught us how to duplicate a page without the aid of a plugin. I hope this WordPress guide was helpful to you. If it was, kindly share your views on the article with our community platform at Itechguides Community Forum. Aside from that, you can also ask questions relating to the procedures provided in this guide at Itechguides Community Forum. Our team and some community members will be glad to provide answers to your questions as soon as possible. Before leaving, you can visit our WordPress & Websites How-Tos page to find more WordPress guides like this.
References And Further Reading