If you are already an expert web developer, you will find in VisualNEO for Web & Mobile interesting possibilities to develop professional Apps quicker integrating your favourite libraries directly or through plugins and their own wizards. You can even create and sell your own plugins within VisualNEOs marketplace. A plugin maker is already included! Rapid Application Development: VisualNEOs easy-to-use, floating tool palette and wizards allow you to construct many types of web based applications using simple drag and drop commands. Its easy to add, command buttons, text, entry fields, check boxes, lists and other interactive controls. Quickly create an interface that allows users to move through different app screens, enter responses, pop up messages, play multimedia files, perform calculations, send information to a server, display Internet sites, and much more. Up to 13 plugins and many samples and tutorials included! Easy to Learn Programming Language: NEO scripting language, a built-in scripting language and a variety of plug-ins are also available to extend the capabilities of VisualNEO Web even further. No programming knowledge is needed to produce many types of Web based Applications, but authors who possess even a limited knowledge of programming or want to learn how to program, can access the built-in NEO scripting language to extend the capabilities of VisualNEO even further. You can use it alone, with JavaScript or just JavaScript.